Commentary on current events, pop culture and your mama.

New Paris Hilton Sex Tape - Paris Hilton Exposed!


I recall Paris Hilton going on all sorts of talk shows saying that her image didn't reflect her real life and that she was a "good girl" who only had a few boyfriends. How does she explain the latest sex tape? It was allegedly bought from a storage unit that she didn't keep up payments on so some sleazebags bought it and found videos she taped.
The video allegedly shows not only sex and nudity but some bizarre confessions and possibly drug use.
Click here to view a sample at UselessJunk

Mena Suvari Topless Pictures!


Mena Suvari really isn't much of a celebrity. I mean, what has she done lately? She's not that hot. So why are topless pictures so exciting? Because it's interesting to see someone with an imperfect body. I actually think her boobs look pretty sexy even if they aren't huge or symmetrical. The only thing disturbing is that she still looks way too young.
More pictures at the Superficial

Is Keira Knightley To Skinny?


Nope. She's not too skinny. She's just fine. But seriously, why do other chicks hate her and Nicole Richie so much? Some people are just thinner than others.
Go to Egotastic for more Keira in bikini pics.

Rosie O'Donnell vs. Donald Trump


I'm not a fan of either Rosie O'Donnell or Donald Trump but their feud is hilarious!

Here's the latest from Rosie on the View

James Brown's Widow is Insane!


I feel bad for her having lost the man she loves but she sounds absolutely crazy in this interview. No matter how this was edited, she sounds insane.

Mariah Carey Drunk


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  • I'm The Voice Of Stupidity
  • From Los Angeles, United States
  • I'm an idiot with a lot of time on my hands.
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