Commentary on current events, pop culture and your mama.

Jay-Z Has Hidden Messages on his CDs


I'm not a Jay-Z fan and I'm not sure if this is even correct but if it is, it's just giving more publicity to Jay-Z. Personally, I think religion makes stars out of people who wouldn't be known otherwise. This might just push Jay-Z into superstar status.
I think the main thing turns off people to Christ is Christians. Yes, you know the type. Hypocrites. Sure, there are some who are wonderful people but try to find some good Christians. I'ts not easy. Here's a suggestion. If you call yourself a Christian, be like Christ and accept and love people and stop condemning them. Stop hating people. Be a good example.

Paris Hilton Should Go To Jail


Ever since Mel Gibson was arrested, the police need to make an example out of someone and not it's Paris Hilton's turn. She broke the law and people are sick of rich celebs getting off with a slap on the hand. I predict she's going to do jail time!

Dustin Diamond aka Screech in Sex Tape Scandal


As if losing his house weren't traumatic enough, it seems there's a sex tape of the former Saved by the Bell star Dustin Diamond floating around. It's being sold by the same sleaze merchants that sold the Paris Hilton tape.
I don't know how Screech is going to explain this to his wife...
TMZ has a preview of the tape

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  • I'm The Voice Of Stupidity
  • From Los Angeles, United States
  • I'm an idiot with a lot of time on my hands.
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