Commentary on current events, pop culture and your mama.

Tobey Maguire Needs an Asswhooping!


Just look at this prick. He makes a few crappy movies that could've made anyone a star and he thinks he can be rude to fans. This guy wasn't even paparazzi. Someone needs to stomp his midget ass to the ground.

Sanjaya's Sister is Hot


Shyamali Malakar is smoking hot. I'd rather see her on american idol than her femme brother.
Here's her myspace page -

Dina Lohan is Hotter than Lindsay!


Dina Lohan is hotter than Lindsay. Just look at her. Just think, she's more experienced, she likes to party, she's taller, thinner and just hotttt! I'd do her in a second but hopefully last more than a minute.

Joe Francis Arrested


Couldn't happen to a nicer guy...

Read more

I Feel Sorry For Imus


Before I get too deep into this, Don Imus was wrong. He probably is a bigot and a racist but Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have both made numerous anti-Semetic comments (Al Sharpton used the term "diamond merchants" after the Crown Heights Riots and Jesse Jackson's infamous "hymietown" comments) in the past so who are they to come down on anyone?
Before they call for Imus to be fired and worse, shouldn't they apologize and explain their own words? They refused to apologize then and now they pretend like they never made those comments.

Y'know who really got the shaft, even worse than Imus? Jimmy the Greek. He was a good guy who said some politically incorrect things but they were actually factually correct. He was fired from his job and he never recovered.

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  • I'm The Voice Of Stupidity
  • From Los Angeles, United States
  • I'm an idiot with a lot of time on my hands.
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