Commentary on current events, pop culture and your mama.

Sexy Bikini Pictures of Britney Spears


Britney is so sexy! Look at her sexy belly and delicate features. She floats like a ballerina in the ocean.
So refined and schooled and feminine, Britney Spears is a breath of fresh air, an unspoiled, sweet child in a world that prides money over culture.


Paris Hilton Likes Kathy Griffin


The Superficial recently had some pics where Paris Hilton bought the Kathy Griffin DVD. I'm surprised because Kathy is the type who would make fun of Hilton.
Now let's get to that bitch Kathy Griffin. She's a whore who will sell out her best friend for a good story. It's no wonder that all of Hollywood laughs at her behind her back (and to her face). I've heard some rumors of what some of her current "friends" have said about her and it just makes Griffin look pathetic. She's such a desperate attention whore that she'll say or do anything to keep her 15 minutes rolling. The only people who like her are women who are hateful jealous bitches that want to pretend that they have friends.

Analyzing Joss Stone in a Bikini


Joss Stone has a great voice but came out a bit overrated. Now that she's legal we can finally lust after her without guilt. Let's examine this picture:
  • A bit flat but I don't care. I'd rather have small than large and fake!
  • Wide hips. A possible danger sign when she gets older. Could end up looking like Ann Wilson.
  • Beautiful face. Very pretty!
  • Could be thinner but I'd hate to see her go anorexic.
We'll have to see how she continues to develop but she's looking nice & natural and let's hope she doesn't do a plastic makeover!

Important World Cup News!


Hey, if you're living in the US, most people don't care about the World Cup. So if you're watching a game later than say 10pm, please SHUT UP! When we have to get up in the morning to work, we don't care if your team scored or missed scoring or got scored on! Don't make us call the police because we will!
Your neighbors

James Blunt has all of the looks of Napoleon Dynamite and the height of Tom Cruise at 12 years old. This just goes to show that a guy who can write a song can nab a sexy chick. But this is no ordinary sexy chick, this is Petra Nemcova!
Life is not fair!
Source - The Superficial

Bush Could've Had Abu Musab Zarqawi Years Ago?


I'm no freakin' liberal but this just sounds too true to deny:

From MSNBC - Military officials insist their case for attacking Zarqawi’s operation was airtight, but the administration feared destroying the terrorist camp in Iraq could undercut its case for war against Saddam.
I can't wait until McCain gets into office and shows the Bush administration how it's done!

Heather Mills McCartney's Porn Past!


Here's a little karma payback to Heather Mills McCartney for taking Paul for more than some countries are worth. She felt bad being obscured by her famous hubby so that's why she's divorcing him? OK, now you're famous for some pretty nice porn shots!
Sure Mills did this 20 years ago but she looked great! I'll bet she could still pose nude!
The book that these pics were published in can be found here. Trust me, this is worth seeing because the pic here is the only one that was safe to post here.

Britney Spears To Get Divorced From Kevin Federline?


In news that comes as no surprise to anyone, Britney Spears has filed for divorce from Kevin Federline. Does anyone still find Spears sexy? Nope.
This picture is what I always knew Britney would end up looking like although I didn't think it would come quite this soon.
More at the Superficial

OJ Simpson Sex Tape?


Yes, it's true! An OJ Simpson sex tape has been "allegedly" uncovered.
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Pink Gets Her Nipple Pierced


There have been pictures and video of Pink getting her nipple pierced. Definitely NSFW! Click here to check out the vid!

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  • I'm The Voice Of Stupidity
  • From Los Angeles, United States
  • I'm an idiot with a lot of time on my hands.
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