Commentary on current events, pop culture and your mama.

Amy Fisher Reinvents Herself As A... Porn Star?


I'm not sure if Amy Fisher was lying or that she changed her mind when she claimed she wanted a normal life years ago.  Very few can resist the call of fame once having tasted it, even if it comes from an infamous incident like shooting someone.  I don't want to cast any judgements on her because she's an adult and porn, at least mainstream porn, is legal she can do whatever she wants but I think this is just a shame...  more at fleshbot (NSFW)

Taylor Swift? I Don't Get It


I've been hearing a lot about how great this Taylor Swift is so I looked her up on YouTube and am I missing something?
The good: she looks good when standing still.
The bad: prop guitar that's not really being heard, out of tune vocals, bad song, she's out of breath, awkward moves, not sexy, just awful to watch unless you're a perv who likes young girls.
I know that young girls look up to her but i just don't think she's that good.  So she writes her own songs?  BFD, they're not that great.  I was really expecting more.

I have no idea but that's what sites like TMZ are trying to hint at.  Read more at TMZ

Gwyneth Paltrow Partially Nude In New Movie?


Yes, it seems like the seemingly prudish Gwyneth Paltrow actually flashes in her new movie "Two Lovers".  Is it worth it?  You be the judge - pictures at Egotastic.  My opinion?  Meh...

Casey Carlton is American Idol's Bikini Girl


'memba that obnoxious chick on American Idol who came in dressed in a bikini?  Well, according to Egotastic, her name is Casey Carlton.  Some may hate on her for wearing a bikini but most just wish they had a body like hers.  I know I'd like to get my hands on a body like hers!  Go to Egotastic for more great pix.

Nikki Cox's Lips?


I got so bummed seeing this picture at Dlisted.  Nikki Cox always seems like such a sweetheart.  She seems genuinely nice and I wish her the best but I hate this trend toward the inflated lips.  It never looks good and you can't convince me otherwise.
I hope Nikki's lips go back to normal size and I wish her the best.

Kara DioGuardi, American Idol's New Hot Judge


It looks like the guys who run American Idol figured that they needed a hot chick for eye candy for sexist guys like me to ogle.  Kara DioGuardi not only hot but she's adorable with a good voice.  I guess she's a writer and producer but I dont' know what she's done.  Anyways, I like her and I feel bad for Paula Abdul 'cause she's gotta feel old and frumpy next to Kara.

Hot Chick Alert - Silvy Kas


OMG.  This chick is super hot!  She came up on the front page of IMDB and I had to click through.  Silvy Kas only has 2 IMDB credits so who knows if she'll make it big or not.  Let's just hope she doesn't end up famous for dating Mickey Rourke.

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  • I'm The Voice Of Stupidity
  • From Los Angeles, United States
  • I'm an idiot with a lot of time on my hands.
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