Commentary on current events, pop culture and your mama.

Ryan Reynolds Is The Luckiest Man In The World


Why? Because he's engaged to Scarlett Johansson!
Read the full deal at Egotastic

If You're A Parent...


Don't send Christmas cards with only your little brat's pictures on it.  If you do this means you think you're fat and ugly or both.
Don't write your Christmas letter from your brat.  It's not cute, it's creepy.
Don't add your brat's name to the answering machine.  You really don't want anyone calling them anyway.
Don't bore your friends with stories about your brat.  They don't care.
Keep your brats quiet in restaurants.  I know YOU'RE immune to their screams but everyone around you wants to call CPS on you.

New Star Trek Movie Trailer


Is there anyone who thinks the new Star Trek movie will do good? Nope, didn't think so. They should just remake the original TV show with new actors and be done with it.

I Hate The TV Show "The Office"


Why? Because assholes will keep quoting it. At least it's more current than talking about Seinfeld. If you have to quote a TV show to be original, you suck.

About me

  • I'm The Voice Of Stupidity
  • From Los Angeles, United States
  • I'm an idiot with a lot of time on my hands.
  • My profile

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